Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Funny Moments

I caught Trav and Z excersing when they thought I wasn't watching them! HAHA HA HAHA!!! Victory is mine!

We are so ROCKIN!

Zayne and I thought it would be fun to wear our sunglasses while it's snowing outside!!! We are so hot!! Thank you Jesus for giving him my looks!

Finally Xmas is Over!

Now we all get to relax, enjoy our toys and get our teeth brushed!!! Jackie got Z some kickin bricks! Which our very durable by the way, shocking! So now we are trying to make room for all of this stuff which hopefully we can do! Yeah....

Nana & Papa's Xmas!

Santa brought lil Z a bike awwwwwwwww!!! That kids all boy! Man oh Man!

Christmas Morning at our house!

Zayne was loving that Santa came and brought him presents. Backyardigans, Elmo and Cameras are his favorite! Yeah Santa, GOOD JOB! Although, the elmo gets stuck in your head after while!


Zayne is so spoiled in being able to experience pretty much anything in life!! My aunt has some piggies that were born a few days before xmas so we went and fed them on christmas eve. Awwwwwwww they are so cute but noisey! Zayne had a blast, he kept chasing them into the corners and trying desperately to pick one up!

Christmas Presents!!

My parents came over to my house with the loudest presents they could find! But the greatest moment when Zayne seen that he had recieved the same mortocycle that Conner had gotten for his birthday!! Yeah!! Mortocyle + Daddy putting it together + Zayne riding it = $Priceless!

Christmas Lights and FUN!

We walked through the christmas lighting and there was so much to see! Zayne had a blast with the horses and the fire pits. Let's just face it, he had a blast with everything! The talking tree was a real mystery to where the guy was hiding! We warmed up though with hot cocoa and face painting where zayne learned how to say "shake your booty" from a little mischevious boy! Lovely!

Christmas Decor!

Here's our tree and Zayne's personal tree that we decorated like a gingerbread house!!! Every year we get a very special ornament that we pick out and so this year is our three snowman that represents our family before our new addition! I know it's a little delayed but I try!